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Safety Engineer , HSE Supervisor
500 000 ₸ на руки
- Другое
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 8 лет 10 месяцев
Сентябрь 2021 — Октябрь 2022
1 год 2 месяца
Донской Горно обогатительный комбинат ф-л АО "ТНК"Казхром"
Специалист по промышленной безопасности отдела охраны труда
Производил производственный контроль в цехах комбината по графику в соответствии с установленными стратегическими целями и принятой методологией комбината. По результатам проведённых проверок при наличии замечаний, выдавал указания. Осуществлял контроль за соблюдением в подразделениях комбината и в подрядных организациях законодательных и иных нормативных правовых актов по охране труда при эксплуатации и ремонте оборудования включая сдачу отчётности по принадлежности. Осуществлял контроль за исправностью контрольно измерительных, электротехнических и теплотехнических объектов энергохозяйства для приёмки в эксплуатацию, проверки и освидетельствования органами государственного надзора. Составлял отчёты по выполнению мероприятий в подразделениях по выданным указаниям, полный анализ для формирования отчёта.
Май 2019 — Июль 2020
1 год 3 месяца
Sarens / TCO / 3GP
Coordinator HSE
To advise the company’s management on the existing state and safety regulations for making changes to certain technological operations, adjusting and purchasing equipment that meets safety standards.
• Coordinate the work of the production and technical departments of the enterprise in the creation and maintenance of a safety engineering system.
• Organizes the conduct of safety briefings to the employees, workers who are going to work for new production sites.
• To conduct inspection’s, tests and technical examination of the condition of technical means, equipment, machines and mechanisms, as well as the technology for performing work to determine the conformity of their condition to the established norms and rules, to participate in their acceptance into operation or use in production.
• To study working conditions and safety equipment at workplace, to prepare and submit proposals for the development and implementation of more advanced designs of protective equipment, safety and interlocking devices, and other means of protection against hazards and harmful production factors.
• To take part in conducting inspections, of technical condition, buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, the efficiency of ventilation systems, the state of sanitary facilities, collective and individual protection of workers, or may lead to an accident, take measures to stop the operation of machinery, equipment and work in shops, on sites, at workplace.
• In the event of an accident at work:
- notifies the management of the enterprise ( supervisor, safety manager ) about the incident;
- organizes the first medical assistance to the victim and, if necessary, his delivery to the health care institution;
- takes urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency situation and the impact of a traumatic factor on other persons;
- Ensures that the unfortunate situation as it existed at the time of the incident ( if it is impossible or inadmissible to save it, is organized, it fixes the situation ).
Август 2017 — Май 2019
1 год 10 месяцев
CCEP / Client - TCO / 3GP
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
Safety specialist
To advise the company’s management on the existing state and safety regulations for making changes to certain technological operations, adjusting and purchasing equipment that meets safety standards.
• Coordinate the work of the production and technical departments of the enterprise in the creation and maintenance of a safety engineering system.
• Organizes the conduct of safety briefings to the employees, workers who are going to work for new production sites.
• To conduct inspection’s, tests and technical examination of the condition of technical means, equipment, machines and mechanisms, as well as the technology for performing work to determine the conformity of their condition to the established norms and rules, to participate in their acceptance into operation or use in production.
• To study working conditions and safety equipment at workplace, to prepare and submit proposals for the development and implementation of more advanced designs of protective equipment, safety and interlocking devices, and other means of protection against hazards and harmful production factors.
• To take part in conducting inspections, of technical condition, buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, the efficiency of ventilation systems, the state of sanitary facilities, collective and individual protection of workers, or may lead to an accident, take measures to stop the operation of machinery, equipment and work in shops, on sites, at workplace.
• In the event of an accident at work:
- notifies the management of the enterprise ( supervisor, safety manager ) about the incident;
- organizes the first medical assistance to the victim and, if necessary, his delivery to the health care institution;
- takes urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency situation and the impact of a traumatic factor on other persons;
- Ensures that the unfortunate situation as it existed at the time of the incident ( if it is impossible or inadmissible to save it, is organized, it fixes the situation ).
Декабрь 2016 — Август 2017
9 месяцев
Sicim S.p.A. Kazakhstan / Client- TCO / Catro-Prorva
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
Safety inspector
• Maintenance of safety and healthy working conditions at work, fire safety and monitoring compliance with the requirements of legislation on environmental protection, labor protection and safety engineering.
• Control over the observance of the current legislation, instructions, standards and norms for environmental protection and safety in the company’s subdivisions, help to reduce the harmful influence of production factors on life and health of workers.
• Organization of medical examinations and monitoring of their conduct .
Январь 2012 — Декабрь 2015
4 года
Aktoberefinery LLP, Aktobe Oil Refinery Plant
Нефть и газ... Показать еще
Safety inspector, Safety engineer
Development and implementation of HSE programs, the priority being given to the inclusion of Occupational Safety and Health Actions in each production task so that occupation safety and health protection becomes an integral part of the production process.
• Establishments of measurable goals aimed at improving indicators in the area of health, safety, and environmental protection in order to completely eliminate occupational accidents and prevent environmental pollution.
• Realization of control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on labor and on safety and labor protection, labor safety standards, rules and norms.
• Responsibility and ensuring the Company’s safe conduct of work, the awareness by all employees of the Company and its Subcontractors of the need to know and comply with the norms and requirements in the field of labor protection, safety and environmental practices, and their responsibility for their own safety and of others.
• Proper training or retraining of all employees of the Company before performing new work or operations.
• Conducted introductory briefing on labor protection with all newly recruited and initial briefing before starting work.
• Carrying out regular examinations, audits and inspections to assess progress in the implementation of the Activities, Programs and Management System of HSE in the whole in order to achieve the Company’s policy objectives in the field of occupational safety and health and safety.
• Organize medical expertise and control their implementation;
• To exercise control over the organization of the issuance of PPE;
• Compliance with safety measures for work at height and rigging;
• Compliance with safety measures for work in close space entry;
• Providing fire safety, safety and environmental protection in the transfer of petroleum products;
• Reporting in due time .
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории B, CОбо мне
Personal leadership, responsibility, sociability, team and individual work skill, quick study, ability to carry on negotiations, to represent company’s interests.
Высшее образование
Aktobe regional state university named K.Zhubanov
Petroleum Engineering, Нефтегазовое дело (бакалавр техники и технологии)
Kazakh-Russian International university
Юриспруденция, Юрист
Aktobe regional state university named after K.Zhubanov
Finance, Financial expert
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
IOSH International certificate
OSHA International certificate
CCEP, Safety
Permit to work
TCO, Safety
Carrying out sampling of the environment
TCO, Safety
Confined space Entry
TCO, Safety
Working at Heights
TCO, Safety
H2S training
TCO, Safety
Safe Excavation Practices
TCO, Safety
Respiratory Protective Equipment
TCO, Safety
Ansoul fire extinguishers course
TCO, Safety
Hazard considerations
TCO, Safety
NH 15 Emergency escape hood
Akbarys, Safety
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан, Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения