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Мужчина, 32 года, родился 10 августа 1992
Не ищет работу
Актобе, не готов к переезду, готов к командировкам
Указан примерный район поиска работы
Travel coordinator
450 000 ₸ на руки
- Переводчик
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа, волонтерство, стажировка
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 11 лет 9 месяцев
Июль 2018 — по настоящее время
6 лет 9 месяцев
«Urpak-A» LLP
Administrator FGP
* Maintenance of all documentation for administrative cases: acts, rosters, sheets and other ;
* Composition of request for uniform and their provision to security guard personnel ;
* Composition of request with i-Logistic for accommodation, rotation, mobilization, demobilization ;
* Control of Security motor vehicles and their servicing ;
* Good knowledge and orientation of Tengiz oil field, Plant, SGP, 3GP,3GI ;
* Request for food provision for security personnel ;
* Realization of all necessary orders, mobilization, demobilization of employees during the TA at KTL, SGP,
SGI plants
* Provision of daily reports of TCO Security vehicles, carried out work to provide security personnel with the
necessary materials
Июнь 2017 — Июль 2018
1 год 2 месяца
«Group 4 Security»
Lead security specialist
* Maintenance of all documentation for administrative cases: acts, rosters, sheets and other ;
* Composition of request for uniform and their provision to security guard personnel ;
* Composition of request for accommodation, rotation, mobilization, demobilization ;
* Control of Security motor vehicles and their servicing ;
* Request for food provision for security personnel ;
* Provision of daily reports of TCO Security vehicles, carried out work to provide security personnel with the
necessary materials
Январь 2017 — Июнь 2017
6 месяцев
«KSB Group» LLP
Administrator Base Bussines
«KSB Group» LLP, Administrator (Security), Tengiz
* Maintenance of all documentation for administrative cases: acts, rosters, sheets and other ;
* Composition of request for uniform and their provision to security guard personnel ;
* Composition of request with i-Logistic for accommodation, rotation, mobilization, demobilization ;
* Control of Security motor vehicles and their servicing ;
* Good knowledge and orientation of Tengiz oil field, Plant, SGP, 3GP,3GI ;
* Request for food provision for security personnel ;
* Realization of all necessary orders, mobilization, demobilization of employees during the TA at KTL, SGP,
SGI plants
* Provision of daily reports of TCO Security vehicles, carried out work to provide security personnel with the
necessary materials
Июль 2013 — Январь 2017
3 года 7 месяцев
«KSB Group» LLP
Squad commander
«KSB Group» LLP, Squad commander (Security), Tengiz
* Daily safety instructions for the security guards ;
* Coordination all security guards at the work places ;
* Maintenance of all documentation for administrative cases: acts, rosters, sheets and other ;
* Assistance in emergency situations to the responsible persons at the places ;
* Control of Security motor vehicles and their servicing ;
* Reports to TCO security about all incidents at the territory
Уровни владения навыками
Средний уровень
Уровень не указан
Обо мне
I have TCO driving license and VDO key. Always ready for business trip and rotation methods.
Personal attributes
Responsibility, resourcefulness, mobility, light-hand, able to work independently and in a team, the desire to learn, good organization skills and ability to manage staff work, no bad habits.
Среднее специальное образование
Aktobe humanitarian- technical universal multi profile college
Accounting, analysis and audit Language skills
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения